65th Great Victory Anniversary: “Stars of Commonwealth” CIS award in commemoration of Victory Day
Intergovernmental CIS award “Stars of the Commonwealth” will be for the first time presented in 2010. It was announced by Mikhail Shvydkoi, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation, and the Co-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS countries (IFHC) on December, 14 at the press-conference.
He explained that the new prize was awarded in accordance with 3 categories: science and education, culture and Art, humanitarian policy. "In the framework of the special category the jury will review the best works focused on the Great Patriotic war, and dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Victory", - explained Shvydkoi.
According to his words the competitors are chosen from the number of the countries-members of the Fund. Three competitors are supposed to represent each country. The first award "Stars of the Commonwealth” is reported to take place in September of the upcoming year. There will be 9 prize-winners, each of them will receive 2 million roubles.
Such encouraging functions is a tradition of the Intergovernmental Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation. The same way the youth prize “Commonwealth of débuts” in 2008 was awarded to the winners of the contest of young poets of CIS countries. In 2010 the contest will bring together young scholars of CIS countries. And this year the contest was organized among the young teachers. Awards to the winners-teachers were presented during the 4th Forum of Creative and Scientific intelligentsia of the CIS Member States, which was held in Kishinyov.
"This time the 5th Forum will be half-jubilee and will take place in autumn 2010 in Moscow", - told the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation. He reminded that this Forum had been organized as the private initiative of scientists and cultural workers themselves, among them were Kirill Lavrov, Mikhail Ulianov, rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichiy and others. "Today this Forum is an important “tool”, due to which the civil society can estimate, in particular, the work of the Intergovernmental Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS countries as well, - emphasized Shvydkoi. – The topic of the upcoming meeting will hold the name “Year of science and innovations”, that is the year 2010, which was announced by the Commonwealth".