Regions of Russia: “Chronicle of Military Glory” – exhibition in Vladikavkaz

17 December 2009

“Chronicle of Military Glory” exhibition opened in Vladikavkaz. It displays the unique examples of historical weapons of XVIII – XX centuries from the funds of the National Museum.

The visitors will be able to see the ceremonial Japanese swords, private weapons of Ossetian military leaders, the German and Russian armament of the beginning and the middle of ХХ century, and the objects of ammunition. At the opening ceremony the collectors from Voronezh donated a new display to the Museum. The British Order and the certificate of award of Khazbulat Gutsunayev, the captain of dragoon regiment, which had been signed in 1916 by the King of the Great Britain George V. From now on the rarity will become the part of the permanent museum’s exposition.