65th Great Victory Anniversary: Scholars to discuss lessons of World War II in Berlin

15 December 2009

Conference “Lessons of World War II and Holocaust” will open on Dec. 15 in Berlin. It will focus on the problems of World War II history falsification, fascist allies’ glorification and Holocaust denial.

The Conference has been organized by the World Congress of Russian Jewry together with the Central Council of Jews in Germany. Among other organizers are the Heads of Jewish organizations and communities of Europe and other anti-fascist organizations of CIS countries, Baltic States and Eastern Europe. It will bring together prominent political and public figures, and veterans of War from Europe, Russia, USA and Israel.

According to organizers the urgency of creation of the large social, political and public powers coalition was defined by the tendency towards falsification and oblivion of moral lessons of ХХ century history, and the “evident threat of xenophobia ideas popularization, danger of neonazism revival, and political rehabilitation of Hitlerism advocates.

Participants of the Conference in Berlin expressed concern over the aggressive attempts to impose the distorted picture of World War II history to the future generation. Particularly they point out the attempts to whitewash armed units and their leaders, who were supporting the Nazis, to equal the red Army and Hitlerites, consign the memory about millions of people, who had been killed by the criminal Nazi regime and its supporters to oblivion.

Organizers consider that the Conference “Lessons of World War II and Holocaust” will promote the unification of leading anti-fascist powers in commemoration of 65th Anniversary of the Great Victory, the creation of constant projects, cultural and educational initiatives, aimed at the proper youth upbringing.