Memory of Russia abroad: Monument to Soviet pilots opened in Spain

14 December 2009

The monument to Soviet pilots, who had died during the Spanish Civil War, was opened on December, 12 in the small town Santa Cruz de la Zarza (Spain).

Two air squadrons of Soviet planes, which had supported the Republicans, were located there during the end 1936 – beginning 1937. Four Soviet pilots were killed in the battles and were buried on the local cemetery during the Spanish Civil War.

Román Muñoz Sánchez, the town’s Mayor says that, although more than 70 years have passed, memory about the Soviet pilots has been transmitted from generation to generation in the town. “These Russian young men, who were very brave in the battles and impeccable in everyday life were very liked by Spanish”, – said the Mayor.

The Ambassador of Russia in Spain Alexander Kuznetsov expressed gratitude to Spanish people for remembrance of the killed Soviet pilots.

According to the Spanish historian Ricardo Miralles, 772 Soviet pilots took part in the battles during the Spanish Civil War, 99 of them were killed.