Day of Constitution: Youth movements celebrated the Constitution Day by mass rallies

12 December 2009
Source: "Pravda.Ru"

On December, 12 the citizens of Russia celebrated the Day of the Russian Constitution, the principal document of the country, which was adopted 16 years ago. Youth organizations held rallies and other public meetings in commemoration of the national holiday.

The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by national referendum on December, 12 1993. The sociological polls state that recently the citizens of Russia have considerably changed their attitude towards the country’s principal document. On the front are the ideas that the Constitution provides order in the work of the government and also the viewpoint that the Law guarantees civil rights and freedoms. However some years ago the majority of respondents supposed that the Constitution didn’t play any vital role in the life of the country.

On Saturday youth movements organized mass public rallies in commemoration of the Constitution Day.