Internet resources: Russian use Internet for purchasing books
The poll focused on Internet users’ consumer behavior, which was carried out by the PricewaterhouseCoopers company (PwC) showed that Russian more often use the Internet for purchasing books. 2 000 users of the global net were polled in 11 major cities of Russia of Moscow, St. – Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Ufa and Chelyabinsk were polled in October 2009.
80 percent of questioned have answered that they had at least once made a purchase via the Internet, in the capital these figures reach 87 percent. According to the poll’s results the books get the first place (46%) among the goods, bought via the Internet. The household electronic equipment falls a little behind (40%), then follow the computers and software (35%), cosmetics and perfume (31%) and other goods.
Among the advantages of online shopping 74 percent of respondents noted the saving of time, 65 percent of questioned named the home delivery service, the chance to escape from the hectic visits to traditional shops enjoy 61 percent, round-the-clock service attracts 58 percent of respondents, the advantage of finding the good which is unavailable in the traditional shops is stressed by 55 percent. 59 percent of the poll’s participants prefer to pay cash for the purchase to the courier, about the half of respondents use the electronic payment systems.
By the way, Internet users in Russia have appeared to be quite patient towards the advertising information concerning the marketing services and brand new products. 66 percent of Internet users prefer to receive such kind of information via e-mail, 26 percent – via social nets and only 17 percent reported that they didn’t want to receive them at all.