Russian heritage abroad: preservation of historical memory

5 December 2009

The press-conference with Irina Zhalnina-Vasilkioti, the researcher of the Russian necropolis in Greece called “Russian naval cemeteries in Greece” will take place on December, 7 in the House of Russian abroad n. a. Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Moscow.

The press secretary of the House of Russian abroad Lyudmila Golubinskaya informed that the meeting’s reports will span following topics: “Burial places of Russians in Greece in XIX century: volunteers, who arrived to support the Greek revolution, man-of-war’s men, who died in the Battle of Navarino”,  «Cemetery in Piraeus of IX – beginning of XX centuries, which belonged to the naval officers and seamen of Russian ships, which had stood in the roads  in the Salamis Bay”, “Creation of the Russian Cemetery in Piraeus on decision of the Russian Emigrants Union in Greece established in 1927 in Athens”.

“History of Russian necropolis is inseparable from the lives of Russian soldiers and emigrants in different periods of Russian-Greek relations, and also from the problem of historical memory and monuments preservation on the territory of this country nowadays”, – explained Lyudmila Golubinskaya.