Libraries of Russia: New information retrieval possibilities in St. – Petersburg State University

3 December 2009

From now on the readers of Gorky Scientific Library of the St. – Petersburg State University have new opportunities. When searching the full texts in Goоgle Scholar system the user may check whether its electronic of printer-friendly version is available. 

According to Andrei Sokolov, Deputy Director of Gorky Scientific Library on informatization, this idea has been borrowed from their collegues of Simon Fraser University (Canada). The updated information retrieval system guides the user where he can find the electronic and printer-friendly version of the document and also considerably simplifies the information retrieval. Moreover the user gains access to the larger number of electronic English editions.

Today the information system of Gorky Scientific Library of the St. – Petersburg State University except for Google Scholar has been integrated into the Web of Science (Institute of Scientific Infomation - ISI)database on scientific quoting; EBSCO Publishing Co databases; InfoTrac General Onefile database of Gale company; CSA Technology Research Database; and collections of full-text journals on JSTOR-platform.

Several innovations are to take place in the near future. They involve the integration of the library’s information system into the abstract database on the biomedical subject area PubMed; polythematic abstract database of the Elsevier SCOPUS company; SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, and also the collection of dictionaries of Oxford University Press.