The Day of Russian Constitution: “We are the citizens of Russia!”Project

2 December 2009

The press-conference dedicated to the project “We are the citizens of Russia” took place on December, 2 in Moscow. The project’s coordinator Maria Romanova announced, that the its interim results had been announced along with the final functions which would take place on December, 12 in every region of Russia and bring together the Heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation, deputies of regional parliaments, the government bodies and also prominent public figures.

Oleg Rozhnov, Deputy Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, Yuri Ivashkin, Head of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Passport and Visa Division, Andrei Platonov, Chairman of the Russian Union of Youth will answer the journalists’ questions.

According to Maria Romanova, the All-Russian action “We are the citizens of Russia” has been organized by the joint efforts of the Russian Union of Youth, the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migratory Service of Russia. In 2009 this function was included into the series of major events to commemorate the Year of Youth in Russia.

“This project includes the functions, which are aimed to popularize the State symbols of the Russian Federation and encourage amongst the young people respectful attitude towards the principal document of the Russian citizen”, – told Romanova. – The All-Russian project “We are the citizens of Russia”, which has recently become the laureate of the National Youth Award “Future of Russia – 2009”, familiarizes the young Russian citizens with their rights and obligations, the principles of the Russian legislation and state structure. Among the aims of the project is to motivate the young people to participate in the social policy and contribute to the development of the civilized civil society in our country.”

The Russian Union of Youth together with the Federal Migratory Service of Russia and regional bodies on the youth affairs are announced to organize the Day of Common Actions on December, 12, the Day of the Russian Constitution. Passport issuance functions will take place in every region of Russia. Together with their passports the young citizens will get the gift sets with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, passports cover with the text of the Russian anthem, pamphlets with the President’s address and information about the state symbols, DVD “Encyclopedia of the young citizen” and other memorable presents. In the framework of the Day of Common Actions the secondary schools will organize class hours “We are the citizens of Russia”, moreover there will be radio broadcasts and TV talk shows which will bring together 13-14 aged teenagers and also the Heroes of Russia and guests of honour. “Pupils will also visit museums, watch films and theatrical plays of the civil and patriotic orientation; young citizens will have a chance to talk to the representatives of the legislative and executive power; wishes, ideas and suggestions of the young Russian citizens to the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev are welcome” , – noted Maria Romanova.