Society and Law: "International legal aid: problems and ways out"
The scientific-practical conference “International legal aid: problems and ways out” will take place on December, 2 in the Conference Hall of “Slovakia” hotel in Saratov.
It has been organized by the joint efforts of the Ministry of Justice of Saratov region and the Law Institute of the Russian Law Academy (RPA) of the Ministry of Justice. The conference will bring together the representatives of the notarial chambers, the Civil Registry (ZAGS) bodies and the Ministry of Justice.
Participants will discuss the matters of exemplary execution of the rogatory letters on provision of the International aid and the problems of cooperation in the work of civil registration bodies. They will focus on the execution by Russian courts the instructions of foreign competent authorities, the state of work when directing the missions abroad, the participation of notaries in execution of international obligations and the condition of placing apostiles on the official documents taken abroad.