Regions of Russia: the Holocaust Remembrance Days take place in Yekaterinburg

25 January 2010
Source: IA API

The Remembrance Holocaust Days will take place at schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of Yekaterinburg the next week.

The decision to hold functions is connected with a tragic date of January, 27 2010 – the 65th anniversary of the liberation of prisoners from the Nazi German concentration camp Oświęcim, one out of 40 Auschwitz camps (a network of concentration camps) by Soviet troops. Oświęcim was set up by Nazi on the territory of occupied Poland by the town of Oświęcim, near Kraków. Regularly from 180 to 250 thousand prisoners were kept in 620 Oświęcim’s barracks. The exact number of victims at Oświęcim is impossible to fix with certainty. During the years of its operation from 1,5 to 3,5 mil. prisoners are reported to have been killed in the camp. Among the victims are the citizens of the USSR, Poland, France, Belgium, Hungary, the Netherlands, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and other countries.

Remembrance Holocaust Days will be held at the educational establishments in Yekaterinburg from January, 27 to February, 1. It’s up to the school staff to choose the form of the functions. This may include demonstration of documentaries, theme exhibitions at school libraries, TV and radio broadcasts, and minutes of Holocaust Remembrance.