Book publishing: Budget cuts in book publishing in 2010

23 January 2010

Financial backing of the main clauses of the “Culture of Russia” program, under a control of the Federal Agency on Press and Communications (Rospechat), has been reduced compared to 2009 and the initial plan.

In late December 2009 the organizational-financial plan for 2010 on the Federal target program “Culture of Russia” implementation was approved by the order of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

An article “publication of important social literature” implies the financial aid to the subprogram “Support of printing industry and book publishing”, in accordance to which the Federal Agency on Press and Communications provides financial assistance to book publishers. The sum announced for the future year totals 88 million roubles, a 7,5% drop compared to 2009 (91,15 mil.) and a 21,4% drop compared to the initial plan (112 million).

Holding international exhibition-fairs will become another significant item of expenses in 2010. In accordance with a plan the participation of Russia in book fairs in Minsk (Belarus), London (the UK), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Almaty (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan), Prague (the Czech Republic), Warsaw (Poland), New York (USA), Kiev (Ukraine), Beijing (China), Lvov (Ukraine), Barcelona (Spain), Frankfurt (Germany), Ashkhabad (Turkmenistan), Helsinki (Finland), Belgrade (Serbia) will be fixed. The fixed sum amounts to 42 million roubles, out of which 30 million will be provided by the Federal budget (vs.  35,5 million in  2009 and 40 million, indicated in initial plan for 2010).

Expenses on organization of the All-Russian contest for the best literary work for children and the youth will total to 2,63 million roubles. This sum exceeds expenses of 2009 (2,5 million), but still is lower than the sum initially indicated in the program’s plan (3 million).

The total sum of the Federal budget spent on the implementation of the “Culture of Russia” program will equal 131,3 million roubles through Rospechat in 2010. In 2010 the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation will provide 2,4 billion roubles for libraries. It is planned to spend 350 million on book funds’ acquisition in the libraries of municipal enterprises and State libraries in Moscow and St.- Petersburg.