Russian language abroad: Textbooks in Russian sent to Kyrgyzstan
Kurgan oblast has directed humanitarian help to compatriots, who live in Kyrgyzstan. This includes the school textbooks, books on history, religious literature, objects of religious worship etc.
The freight has 110 kilograms in weight and contains 233 items.
The President of the “Slavic Diaspora” Association Valery Uleev from the Kyrgyz town Jalal-Abad addressed the governor of Kurgan oblast.
He asked to help the compatriots and provide methodological literature and textbooks in the Russian language. In the letter he stated that “now in the only one Russian-speaking school in the town children are using textbooks published in 1991”. He also asked for support to collect objects of religious worship for the Dormition of the Mother of God Church of the orthodox parish in the town Jalal-Abad.
His letter was discussed at the session of the interdepartmental Commission on Relations with Compatriots Living Abroad under the government of Kurgan oblast. The Commission decided to provide assistance to compatriots in Jalal-Abad.