Regions of Russia: Best history curator to be nominated in Khabarovsk

14 January 2010
Source: Tatar-inform

The City Administration of Khabarovsk called to submit documents for conferring the memorable award “Best history curator”. This award recognizes special contributions in the preservation of Khabarovsk history. 

This memorable sign may be presented to enterprises, establishments, organizations, and citizens, who with care keep the documents and articles, which have a historical and cultural importance for the krai’s center. In accordance with Khabarovsk City Administration resolution from 3 to 4 memorable signs may be awarded annually. The possession right is proved by the nominal written certificate. The laureate also gets a prize which totals to 5 000 roubles. Information on prize-winners is provided in the book of memorable sign laureates “Best history curator”. The awarding will take place within the framework of the functions, dedicated to the City’s birthday.