65th Great Victory Anniversary: Book “The forgotten regiment” comes out in Altai

12 January 2010

The book “The forgotten regiment” dedicated to participants of the Great Patriotic War has come out in Rodinsky region of Altai krai.  

The book’s presentation took place in the regional library. It focuses the reader’s attention on the fate of 1322 infantry regiment of 413 infantry division. Soldiers of this regimen from Rodinsky region, joined the army and struggled heroically in November 1941 in the battles by Tula. “Everyone is likely to agree, that many of us today have relieved a burden of uncertainty. It became clear where our compatriots struggled, and why they died. Among the names of the list of the Red Army soldiers and junior commanders of 1322 infantry regiment of 413 infantry division, perished in November 1941 during the battles by Tula is the surname of my great-uncle. On behalf of all the people of our region I would like to express a special gratitude to authors of this work”, - addressed the deputy Head of the region’s administration Vladimir Shunk the participants of the book’s presentation.

The presentation of the new book brought together pedagogies and pupils of the secondary school № 1 in Rodino, members of the club “Searcher”, and also the fellows of the museum in Rodino.

The book “The forgotten regiment” was created by the chief curator of the funds of the museum in Rodinio and the Head of the club “Searcher”. It became possible due to the financial support, provided within the framework of the krai’s target program “The youth of Altai”.

100 copies of the book “The forgotten regiment” were directed to the libraries of the region, and also donated to the relatives of the heroes. Books were also presented to the organizers of the presentation and its most active participants.