Russian language: “Russian Culture to future generations” campaign

23 February 2010

The “Russian Culture to future generations” campaign is taking place from 16 – 26 February in Vladivostok. The event has been organized by the Department on Youth Policy of Vladivostok and Primorsk Diocese and the Far Eastern branch of “Russkiy Mir” foundation.

The campaign is aimed at popularization of Russian language and Russian classical literature among pupils of the children’s social institutions as a mercy mission within the Lent. 

The campaign will be carried out in two stages: February 16 – 22 – collection of Russian classical literature among non indifferent people of Primorsky krai; February 23 – 26 – opening of the Russian culture corners at the children’s social institutions in Primorsky krai (the children’s local T. B. clinic, the children’s “Sail of hope” rehabilitation center, and the orphanage № 2).