Regions of Russia: Komi-Permyak Language Day in Perm krai

18 February 2010

February, 17 has been declared a Komi-Permyak Language Day in Perm krai. Its Governor, Oleg Chirkunov, has signed a relevant decree. From now on the Komi-Permyak Language Day will be annually celebrated in Perm krai.

A “Happy Mother Language Day!” campaign will take place in Komi-Permyak Okrug from 18-21 February to mark this event. Its program will include meetings, contests, concerts, performances and other functions.

Pupils of Leninskaya school (Kudymkar district), Timinskaya and Antipinskaya schools (Yusvinsky district) will have an opportunity to meet popular okrug’s actors, poets, writers, artists, masters of decorative and applied arts, staff of the Komi-Permyak Local History Museum, the National Library, and the children’s magazine “Silkan”.