65th Great Victory Anniversary: Consequences of World War II spotlighted in Voronezh

17 February 2010

An International Youth Conference “Phantoms of the Past: a different view” was launched on February, 15 in Voronezh.

The event has been organized by the International Youth Human Rights movement, the Voronezh regional branch of the International Student Network AEGEE, “Young Europe” network with support of the Action for change program. Among other organizers is FLARE network – network of civil society’s organizations aimed for struggle with transnational organized crime.

The International Youth Human Rights movement’s press service informs that the conference will bring together students, volunteers and experts from Russia, Germany, Poland, France, Turkey and Ukraine.

Participants of the conference are going to highlight a number of all-European problems, which are especially urgent considering the upcoming 65th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2010. “Despite the fact that many years have already passed, we are still concerned with consequences of World War II in the geopolitical, social, and cultural aspects of Europe. We challenge ambiguities and difficulties not only on the part of memory, but also in other areas of civil and human rights activities”, – informs the movement’s press service.

The participants will discuss a wide range of topics, among which: “Anti-totalitarianism in modern Europe: culture of memory and resistance”; “European anti-fascism: crisis of deeds and ideas”; “New and old borders of Europe, visa regime vs. international youth cooperation”; “International volunteer’s projects: between peacemaking and youth tourism”.

The program includes meetings with civil, human rights and youth organizations of Voronezh and Moscow. A 2-day training event, which will attract international experts and trainers  as well as several other public events will be organized within the framework of the conference.

The conference will close on February, 22.