Memory of Russia: “Military burial places” program in Pskov oblast

17 February 2010

The Governor of Pskov oblast Andrei Turchak has ordered to prepare a target regional program "Military burial places" for 2010-2012. Within the framework of the program the budget is going to allocate money for capital repairs of monuments and memorials, located at the military burial places in city’s okrugs and municipal districts. The press service of the Oblast Administration informs that the project is going to be completed by March 2010. The program will be funded by municipalities with a compulsory co-funding of the regional budget.

Today 752 military burial places, monuments and memorials are located on the territory of Pskov oblast, 252 of them are in bad condition. Municipalities have examined their condition. The majority of districts have already provided design estimates for restoration of these objects. The submitted documents have been examined by the State Committee of Pskov oblast on Construction, Housing and Communal Services, State Construction and Housing Supervision. By the end of the week the list of objects which desperately need reconstruction will be approved. All the construction works will be financed by the oblast budget. The total sum is now being identified.

The Governor’s goal is to reconstruct all the military burial places by 65th Great Victory Anniversary celebration.