Digital libraries: Interactive guide to UK history

5 February 2010
Source: KM.RU

The British library jointly with historians and writers has completed its work on the new project “Timelines: Sources from History”. The project is an interactive guide which allows users to explore the history of UK from the beginning of XIII c. to the present day. The users are provided a diverse combination of various texts and a rich illustrative material, postcards, playbills, manuscripts of UK writers, maps, patents etc.

Users will be able to compare various theme-based timelines: “Politics, power and rebellion”, “Literature, art and entertainment”, “Everyday life”, “Sacred texts” and “Medicine, science and technology”.

The Timelines: Sources from History project is first and foremost aimed at students and pupils, who are interested in history. However it will undoubtedly attract keen interest among other users, who are eager to explore the UK. The British library has recently launched its online archive of 19th century newspapers and a collection of folk music.