Libraries abroad: New York Public Library opens its new branch

30 March 2010

The New York Public Library is opening its latest branch, with an environmentally-friendly touch.

The 10,000 square foot library houses 24,000 items, three-dozen computers for public use, and has separate reading areas for children, young adults and adults. The new library located in the Battery Park City (Manhattan, USA) is the library’s 88th branch of the New York Public Library. The new building boasts low-energy heating, cooling and lighting systems and special carpets. So it’s less of carbon footprint on the environment.

The branch is scheduled to be open six days a week, but that could change in a matter of months. The NYPL faces a considerable cut in the city funding in the next fiscal year, which begins on July, 1. Officials say the consequences could be severe across the system, including a reduction of days of service to three and four days a week, a loss to collections budget and a potential loss of staff.