The Presidential Library and Pyotr Konchalovsky Foundation invite you to assist to the final press-conference

28 March 2010

On March 28, 2010 in the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library will take place the final press-conference as a part of the International Forum ‘Russia and the ‘Global Effect of Cezanne’ 1900-1950’. The Forum ideologists will reply to the questions and attract again the attention of experts and amateurs of art to the importance of creating a single world cultural area and the preservation of the Russian cultural heritage.

From the Russian part at the press-conference will speak A. S. Konchalovsky, the co-founder of Pyotr Konchalovsky Foundation, the Foundation Director A. A. Konov and the Hermitage scientist A. G. Kostenevich. Among the foreign experts to attend the conference are expected the great-grandson of the French artist Philip Cezanne, the leading US PR manager Marc Sailor and the program director of the conference Denis Coutagne, Doctor of Art history, professor, the Curator in Chief of the French Museums Direction, Paul Cezanne Society president.