Memory of Russia: ’Windows of Russia’ portal – national history in photographs

22 March 2010

‘Windows of Russia. History chronicle’ Internet portal, a joint project of the RF Ministry for Communication, ITAR-TASS Information agency and the Russian Academy of Science, is to be launched on March 23.

The web-site will highlight a series of the national chronicle photos illustrating the most important moments of personal biography in key moments of the Russian history.

The project is intended to make available to public the documentary photos which are a part of our national history including its victories and troubles, known and unknown heroes. ‘Creating the photo chronicle of the 20th century Russia we provide all together to future historians and researches a truth very valuable for each of us about our country and people,’ – note the project’s authors.

The first stage of the photo chronicle covers the Great Patriotic War time and the Victory celebration. In this context the website authorities start a contest ‘Widows of Russia. The Great Victory’. The contest is meant to contribute to preservation of historical memory about the years of 1941-1945 and oppose to the efforts of revising the history of the World War II and the role of the Soviet Union.

To participate in the contest the resource users should send photographs taken by them personally or from family archives. The users must guarantee the material authenticity and intellectual rights for it. In order to determine the best works an Expert Committee will be created of the eminent public figures of Russia, cultural workers, art historians, scholars, historians having rendered great services to the country whose opinion is of interest and importance to all the Russians. Among others the Expert Committee will include the Moscow State University chancellor and the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Science Sadovnichy V. A., the President of Eurasian physics society, a member of the European Academy of Science and a member of the RF President Council for culture and art Kapitsa S. P., the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Science, a Nobel laureate Alferov J. I., the Moscow State University Journalist Department President Zasursky Ya. N., the Director of the Moscow House of Photography Sviblov O. L. and the Director of Information and PR Department of the RF Ministry for Communications Mironov A. S.

The best works chosen by the experts will be included in the golden fund of the photo chronicle of the Great Patriotic War and consequently to the golden fund of the Russian history.