IT and society: Denmark - world’s IT leader

22 March 2010

Denmark has become the world’s IT leader. It was recognized by The World Economic Forum and by «IBM/Economist» in 2009, portal informs. Danish IT industry employs 100,000 people and it accounts for eight percent of urban employment. IT industry in Denmark is thus a major growth industry as well as pharmaceuticals and clean tech.  

Denmark is an important Northern European hub for multinational IT companies such as «Microsoft», «IBM», «HP» and «Google». Successful software companies have developed and then been acquired by world market players. Recent examples are «Navision Damgaard» (bought by «Microsoft»), «Maersk IT» (bought by «IBM»), «Giga» (bought by «Intel») and «Skype» (bought by «Ebay»).

Denmark was an early mover in IT and telecommunication. Excellent data quality combined with a high penetration of IT tools made the country an ideal platform for new products and solutions.