Regions of Russia: Festival “Dialogue of Cultures” mounted in Murmansk

22 March 2010

Problems of the youth culture – were in the spotlight of participants at the International Festival “Dialogue of Cultures”, which was launched on March, 19 in Murmansk.

Representatives of Youth organizations from Germany, Spain, Norway, and Ukraine are sharing their ideas on the urgent problems with their peers from Russia, – informed the project’s coordinator Natalya Stepakova.

The multifaceted festival’s program will include seminars and master classes focused on arts, photo exhibitions and short films about the life of youth of the countries-participants of the festival. Young forum’s participant will provide their image of the society of future, and try to identify their place in the struggle against racism and discrimination.

The organizers of the festival, which will be open within 5 days, are youth public organizations of Murmansk, Brandenburg and Leipzig.