IT and Science: Russia to contribute to foreign high technologies

21 March 2010
Source: "Lenta.Ru"

The Russian Government is going to exchange lists of companies, involved into the industry of high technologies and concerned about foreign investments with the US Government. Investments into American technologies are supposed to help Russia modernize its economics.

The names of the companies suggested to the USA by the Russian party haven’t been announced yet. However it is known that it will bring together US companies, which develop software and enterprises, which produce microelectronics.

Apart from making investments only into IT industry, Russia, in its turn, is going to subsidy nanotechnologies, medicine and environmental protection. The “Rosnano” corporation, which displays interest in the projects of the Silicon valley, is likely to take part in the project. Moreover, Russian and American parties will share expertise, experts’ views and exchange scientists.

Final lists of companies should be represented by April 28 and 29 at the session of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko and John Holdren, advisor to President Barack Obama for Science and Technology in Washington.