History of Russia: In Moscow historians discussed consequences of World War II

19 March 2010

The round table “Revision of World War II consequences and a contemporary geopolitics. Public discussions and new publications”, initiated by the Historical Perspective Foundation jointly with the Museum of Modern History of Russia, took place on March, 17 in Moscow.

Participants of the round table discussed such urgent problems as, “Architecture of the post-war world”, “Revision of consequences of war: an objective historical process or political conjuncture?”, “Vector of public discussions in the light of newly released publications”.

The conference brought together prominent historians and publicists: President of the Historical Perspective Foundation N. A. Narochnitskaya, editor in chief of the “Veche” publishing house S. N. Dmitriev, Doctor of Historical Sciences V. M. Falin, editor in chief of the “International life” magazine A. G. Oganesyan etc.

Advisor of the Executive Director of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Alexander Naumov made a report entitled “Versailles and Yalta systems of International relations: comparison within the modern public and political discourse”.

There’s no doubt that understanding of events, which happened over half a century ago is becoming extremely urgent in the light of recent key geopolitical tendencies and initiatives of Russia on the International scene.