The President of Russia: D. A. Medvedev asked the governors and government members to use Internet

17 March 2010

On Tuesday the President of Russia D. A. Medvedev asked again the governors and the government members to use Internet and control themselves the opinions of people regarding different innovations.

‘You have to do it yourself. Those who can are modern managers, the ones who cannot are not quite prepared’, - said the Head of the state during the video conference when he talked about carrying out of his instructions.

‘If I control it, the others should too, it is my advise not just to the government leaders but also to the regional leaders, please take a note of it’, - said D. A. Medvedev.

During the video conference the governor of Nizhny Novgorod region V. Shantsev reported that in his region the portal of the state services is available. According to him people can learn what documents they need to prepare in order to solve different kind of issues or to express their wishes to the local authorities, all of this without leaving their homes. ‘We are taking steps toward providing of interactive services to the public. In the nearest future we plan to accept electronic application for marriage, - promised the governor.

‘Do you use the system yourself?’ – asked D. A. Medvedev the governor. ‘I am not asking for benefits via Internet, - Shantsev tried to make a joke of it. The President interrupted him: ‘I am serious. Do you receive these on paper or you are looking for articles regarding the problems with the portal yourself?’

The governor of Nizhny Novgorod region tried again to avoid the direct answer. He reported that there is a ‘hot line’ in effect on the portal where everyone could make a declaration about the facts of corruption. ‘You have to see it yourself, not to receive papers from your subordinates who will brush all the information’, - ordered the Head of state.

He outlined that it concerns all the regional leaders and the governor of Irkutsk region D. Mezentsev in particular.

During the video conference the President could watch all the participants on the monitor. During the discussion of the informational society development Mezentsev was accepting papers from his aids and made notes on them. As a result D. A. Medvedev decided not to listen to his report.