Legislation: The bill “On Education in the Russian Federation” to be submitted for consideration of the government

11 March 2010
Source: RIA News

The bill of the new integrated law "On Education in the Russian Federation" will be submitted for consideration of the government before September, informed the member of the State Duma Property Committee Yekaterina Semyonova.

She reminded that the Working group under the Ministry of Education and Science was established in order to work out a new Federal Law, fixing the norms at all the levels of education system, including preschool, elementary and secondary professional education, higher education, the second higher education and supplementary education. Ms Semyonova reported that the Working group was at that time developing first seven chapters, focused on the preschool education. The document will totally include 21 chapters.

"We are planning to submit the bill for consideration for the government by September. The government will announce its comments, we will edit it and then submit to the State Duma", - said Ms Semyonova. She hopes that the bill’s first reading in the State Duma will take place already during the autumn session.