65th Great Victory anniversary: United Nations to revere the memory of war casualties

7 March 2010
Source: RIA News

In May on the initiative of Russia the United Nations General Assembly is holding a special session, which will mark the end of the World War II, says the resolution of the General Assembly, adopted at the plenary meeting on March, 2.

According to Vitaly Churkin, a current Permanent Representative (Ambassador) of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, the Russian delegation suggested to hold the session on May, 6. The final decision will be made by the President of the United Nations General Assembly Ali Treki.

The resolution reminds, that the dates of May, 8 and 9 are proclaimed by the United Nations the Days of remembrance and reconciliation. The General Assembly suggests all the member states, United Nations organizations, non-governmental organizations and private individuals to “celebrate this date in the appropriate manner as a tribute to all the casualties of World War II", and also "asks the President of the General Assembly to hold a special solemn session of the General Assembly in the memory of all the war casualties within the second week of May 2010 ".

Mr Churkin also highlighted that the initiative to hold the solemn session in May of this year, which is to mark the end of the World War II, was suggested by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev during his address at the general political discussion of the General Assembly in September 2009.

Among the co-authors of the resolution are over 70 delegations.  Mr Churkin stressed that, "the world community is gradually coming to a deeper understanding of the significance of events, which happened 65 years ago". It has been proved by the fact that among the authors of similar resolution in 2004 there were only 12 states.