Internet resources: Internet connection speed in Russia triples in a year

21 April 2010
Source: Lenta.Ru

In 2009 the average Internet connection speed in major Russian cities has almost tripled, from 410 to 1100 kbit/s, reads the newly released research of “Yandex”. However calculation of this figure didn’t take into account Internet connection speed in Moscow and St. – Petersburg, which totals 8,5 and 7,4 Mbit/s accordingly.

According to "Yandex", average Internet access monthly fees amount to 500-600 rubles. The most expensive Internet is in the Far East: the average megabit channel price is 1465 rubles. In Volga region and Ural it makes around 320 rubles – it is the lowest price across regions. A case in point, in Moscow and St. – Petersburg Mbit is less than 135 rubles.

It is worth mentioning that in Moscow and St. – Petersburg index of Internet development continued to increase, though they were much lower than regional. Thus, the number of Internet users in Moscow were up 6 per cent, whereas in St. - Petersburg – the increase index reached 10 per cent. Researchers are convinced that the market has been already formed in these cities.

In general Internet penetration countrywide per year was up 20 per cent. Home Internet is available to 79 per cent users, and the total monthly number of Russian Net surfers amounts to 39,7 million people.