History of Russia: ‘Schism’ historical film will be shot in Vologda region

19 April 2010

Taking of the serial started on April 17 in the territory of St. Cyril-Belozhersk Monastery and its branch – Dionysius Fresco museum.

The film director Nikolai Dostal is taking the film for ‘Russia’ TV channel. Its work name is ‘Schism’. It will comprise 16 episodes covering one of the tragic episodes in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church related to the name of Patriarch Nikon and his reforms opponents headed by archpriest Habakkuk.

Dmitry Tikhonov will play Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Valery Glushko – the role of Patriarch Nikon, Julia Melnikova – boyar Morozov’s wife, Daria Yekamasova – the archpriest’s wife and Alexander Korotkov – the archpriest Habakkuk. The last years of his life Patriarch Nikon had spent in St. Cyril-Belozhersk Monastery and Ferapontov Monastery in Vologda region.

The preparation for the taking is almost completed. Monastic cells of Patriarch Nikon are set in Ferapontov Monastery; in St. Cyril-Belozhersk Monastery, in the territory of the New city stables are constructed and properties such as a carriage, horse-drawn vehicles and canons are brought. Later on the board of Siverskoye lake a moorage will be set up.