Russian language abroad: Olympiad of Russian language kicked off in Bratislava

18 April 2010

The 40th All-Slovak Olympiad of Russian language for pupils was launched in the capital of Slovakia. This time there were quite a lot of test tasks, prepared by the commission, therefore pupils were given two days to cope with them.

The most part of participants, who were divided into groups in accordance with the level of language command, managed to complete the suggested variants. Tasks covered both questions in Russian language and Russian culture. Some pupils displayed an excellent command of Russian language. For instance, a girl, who participated in the group A-1 recited a poem by M. Lermontov “Death of the poet” so good, that she seemed to be not a Slovak pupil, but a real pupil from Russia. Another participant surprised the commission with a wonderful reciting of the poem by S. Yesenin. Good results were displayed by other competitors as well.

In the end of the contest, participants who took first three places, were awarded gold, silver and bronze “Olympic” medals. No one was left without a prize. All the participants received certificates, books and packets with candies from “Dr. Etker” company.

After the Olympiad all the participants were invited to take part in the evening excursion across Bratislava. Teachers, who came with the pupils from different sites of Slovakia, were sharing their expertise.

Among organizers of the Olympiad were the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic, the Slovak Youth Institute IUVENTA (department of talented youth support), the State Selection Committee with support of the Russian Federation Embassy in Slovak Republic, the Russian Center in Bratislava and “Dr. Etker” company.