Internet resources: Social network for government officials launched in test mode

13 April 2010

A social network aimed at government officials of IT sector was launched on April, 12 in test mode.

An idea to set up a professional social network, which would enable online exchange of information and acquired experience, was announced during the All-Russian session “Priorities for transition to rendering electronic public and municipal services”, held on March, 11 in Moscow.

The newly mounted network is intended only for experts, who are engaged into informatization of public authorities at all levels – federal and municipal. Social network has been created by the staff of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia on the basis of already existing and tested IT solution, therefore the project’s implementation didn’t require extra expenses from the federal budget.

Currently the network has registered over 350 users from 79 regions countrywide. All the frequently asked questions from different regions of Russian Federation were processed and considered during organization of network’s sections and composition.