Society and church: 19th Easter festival launched in St. - Petersburg

7 April 2010

The 19th Easter festival, the oldest in Russia, was launched in St. – Petersburg. Numerous cathedrals of the Northern city chimed in order to mark its opening.

The chief director of the festival, Valery Pavlov, announced that that year the musical marathon was dedicated to several memorial dates. Among them is the 650th birthday anniversary of St. Andrei Rublev. In honour of the great compatriot, genius icon painter and humanist concerts entitled “Sounding world of Andrei Rublev” will be held in the Trinity Cathedral of the Izmailovsky Lifeguards Regiment, the St. Isaacs Cathedral and the Smonly Cathedral.

A scientific-creative symposium will commemorate 140th birthday anniversary of the prominent researcher of Old Russian sacred music, scholar-medievalist Antonin Preobrazhensky. Concerts "Week of church orthodox singing" will celebrate 65th anniversary of the Great Victory and 95th birthday anniversary of the great Russian composer Georgy Sviridov. They will take place in the St. – Petersburg State Academic Chapel and the Christ Resurrection Church.