Russian language: Days of Russian language and Literature at Siberian Federal University
Days of Russian language and Literature have been launched at the Siberian Federal University.
“Public lectures, master classes, methodological seminars, the All-Russian scientific conference of young researchers entitled “Dialogue of cultures in the aspect of language and text”, creative meetings with Krasnoyarsk writers will take place within a week", – Yaroslava Zhigalova, Head of the press service of the Siberian State University, informed.
She announced that "within the framework of the Days of Russian language and Literature participants will discuss a wide range of topics related to speech standards, stylistics and rhetoric, teaching Russian language as a native and foreign, studying Russian and European literatures, media-education and tendencies of modern Mass Media development, translation in the modern stage of development of linguistics".
"Within the framework of the event the master class on basics of oratory will be held by the Doctor of Philology, Professor of the A. S. Pushkin State Institute of Russian language, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Vladimir Annushkin. Another master class “National Final School Exam in Russian language” will be delivered by the Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Ural State University Tamara Matveeva, – Ms Zhigalova clarified. – Young philologists in their turn are going to release results of research regarding live speech of Siberia, a smile as a communicative and sociocultural phenomenon of Russian people, genre of request in the language of students living on campus, and genre of argument in the youth environment".
Among the participants of the Days of Russian language and Literature are lecturers of universities, teachers of Russian language and literature, students-philologists, journalists, and foreign students. They have come from Moscow, St. - Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia.