Regions of Russia: Book shedding light on life of Russian emigration in Harbin comes out in Blagoveshchensk
The Amur State University has launched a presentation of the book entitled “Among two worlds”, which is dedicated to life and work of Russian writers in Manchuria. Its authors, Galina Efendieva and Anna Zabiyako, have been for many years investigating the history of Russian emigration in China. This edition has become their third joint major work.
“The book is dedicated not so much to literature, as to literary existence of Russian emigrants in Harbin, – says the author, head of the literature and world culture department of the University, Anna Zabiyako. – Their religious, spiritual, literary searches. We have discovered, that problems raised in this monograph, need further research”.
Publishing the monograph became possible with support of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations. Within several years authors had been accumulating material in the archives of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and other cities, as well as in private collections. It took them only several months to prepare the edition for publication. The book unveils rare works of writers and poets of Russian Harbin in the beginning of 20th c.
The circulation of “Among two worlds” is small – mere 100 copies. The book is already available not only at the library of the Amur State University, but also at the Russian State library, and libraries of the “Russian Abroad” Fund and the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.