History of Russia: Ancient Rus’ to be reconstructed in Moscow

30 May 2010
Source: RIA News

The forth festival of the early Medieval culture and history called “Gorodets outdoor festivities” will kick off in Moscow oblast on June 10-11.

The festival is dedicated to the way of life of peoples, who lived in ancient Rus’ and its neighbors, during IX-XI cc. Its every guest will have a chance to enjoy the atmosphere of the daily life of the ancient Rus’, and also become a witness of events which happened a thousand of years ago. 

The festival’s program, which is to take place in Moscow oblast on the Rozhaika River by the village of Valishchevo, includes an inauguration, performance and parade of participants.

Then the festival’s guests will be able to see a field camp of the early Middle Ages, exhibition cavalry and foot battles, theatrical programs, folk music concert, fencing and archery tournaments.

Spectators will be offered an opportunity to take part in numerous folk games, master classes, try on historical costumes have their photos taken, taste dishes of Medieval cuisine. Those willing to spend the whole night there, will get a free camping with woods and potable water. 

According to organizers, an award for historical reconstruction has been established within the framework of the festival. The professional jury, including leading Russian historians and archeologists, will choose winners in several categories.

"Last year the festival attracted 8,000 spectators, and 750 participants from 38 cities of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany and other countries. Over 350 foot soldiers and cavalry units participated in the battle. The age of participants ranged between 2 and 70 years", - organizers claim.

This year the festival is likely to attract about 5,000 people from Moscow, Moscow oblast and near abroad. Seven hundred members of historical clubs of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh and other cities are going to participate in the events.