World history: Ancient Etruscan home destroyed by Sulla discovered in Italy

28 May 2010
Source: "Lenta.Ru"

An ancient Etruscan home built between the 3rd and 1st century BC has been discovered at an archeological site at Vetulonia in central Italy, 200 km north of Rome. “These are the best ruins that have ever been found in Italy," Simona Rafanelli, director of the Isidoro Falchi archeological museum in Vetulonia, told journalists. "They represent something incredibly important from an archeological and historical point of view, because they finally give us an understanding of new techniques linked to Etruscan construction that we did not know until today.

Archeologists have discovered a large quantity of items which have revealed a great deal about life in the home and the construction techniques of the era. Using six Roman and Etruscan coins uncovered at the home, archeologists believe the house collapsed in 79 AD during wars unleashed by Roman general and dictator, Lucio Cornelio Sulla.