Internet and Law: Ministry of Communications and Mass Media focus on legal regulation of relations on Internet
Suggestions for introduction of amendments to Russian legislation related to Internet were discussed in the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media on May 24 within the framework of the interdepartmental Working group’s session, responsible for development of the draft law “On introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding regulation of relations on Internet”.
Members of the Working group discussed a range of issues, among them: development of the glossary, dealing with the key Internet terms, specification of the term “Internet services operator” and imposing requirements for him. Participants also highlighted the necessity of legal recognition that information, released on Internet without any access restrictions becomes public. Most of the Working group members agreed that however it could not be equaled to mass information, being regulated by the law “On Mass Media”. Special attention was paid to traffic regulation on Internet in Russia. Participants accepted the necessity to stimulate making use of Russian communications infrastructure – using mainly Russian communication links for traffic exchange within Russia.
In accordance with the commission of the Government of the Russian Federation the draft law “On introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding regulation of relations on Internet” should be developed by October 2010.