World Russian People’s Council opens in Moscow

25 May 2010

The 14th World Russian People’s Council will open on May, 25 in Moscow. This year’s Council will focus on the problems of national education and children’s rights.

“This year the Council is celebrating its 17th anniversary. It has preserved its key principle – freedom of opinions. Council’s tribunes used to bring together representatives of right and left wings. Today we also invite people of various beliefs to participate in the open discussion”, – Secretary of the Council, Oleg Yefimov, said.

Opening ceremony of the Council will be attended by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, who will address the participants. Forum will bring together the Chief Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadzhuddin, the Chief Rabbi of Russia Adolf Shaevich, composer Alexei Rybnikov, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Vladimir Khotinenko, as well as leaders of political factions.

Many other cultural workers from Russia, Poland, Serbia and Bulgaria have been invited to attend the Council. These days in May they are taking part in the International film festival “Zolotoi Vityaz” (“Golden Knight”), which following the tradition takes place in Moscow during the Days of Slavic Written language and Culture. Political figures as well as heads of traditional religious organizations will deliver speeches within the framework of the forum.

This year’s Council will highlight problems of education in the context of shaping “holistic personality and responsible society”. Within two days participants of the forum will discuss the following issues: the role of pedagogues in teaching Russian language, literature and history; patriotic upbringing at school, children’s rights and international relationships at schools and universities.

On the day of the Council’s opening for the first time the Patriarch’s prize in film art will be awarded. The prize will go to creators of the film “Priest”.