Russian language and society: May 25 – Day of Philologist
This day is a holiday of those who this or that way is connected to philology: scholars, who study language and literature, students, graduates of philological faculties, teachers of language and literature, translators, editors, librarians, and publishers.
The term philology is derived from the Greek, from the terms “philos” – dear, friend and “logos” – word, thus it is literally translated as “a friend of the word”.
Many countries mark the professional holiday of philologist. It is symbolic that in Russia the Day of Philologist is celebrated the next day after the Day of the Slavic Written language and Culture, timed to the Saints Cyril and Methodius Day – creators of the Slavic ABC book.
“Russkiy Mir” foundation was set up in order to popularize Russian language, being the national heritage of Russia and important element of the Russian and world culture, support educational programs for teaching Russian language in Russia and abroad. Therefore, the Day of Philologist is its professional holiday. Thus all the activities of the foundation: opening of Russian Centers and Russian language Cabinets abroad, holding International seminars for teachers of Russian language and literature, grant projects, implementation of “Professor of the Russian World” target program, publishing activities, issue of multimedia educational programs, are inseparably linked with philology.
The “Russkiy Mir” foundation Board of Trustees includes prominent Russian philologists: President of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, President of the Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, President of the St. Petersburg State University Ludmila A. Verbitskaya, President of the Pushkin State Institute of Russian language Vitaly G. Kostomarov, Deputy Secretary General of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature Eugeny Ye. Yurkov.