Internet resources: Yandex starts browsing world web

19 May 2010
Source: "Lenta.Ru"

On May 19 Yandex launched its new service - search, allowing to browse foreign sources, the press release of the search engine reads. From now on the user, looking for information via Yandex, will be able to choose either to browse foreign websites or local resources.

Alpha testing of, which is testing search based on world web, has already been mounted. In future developers are intended to add multimedia results to the foreign search.

According to the Yandex press secretary, Ochir Mandzhikov, the new service is aimed first and foremost at Russian users. He claimed that there were still no plans on bringing the search engine to the world market.

In December 2009 Yandex got 7th place in the list of world search engines, released by comScore agency, and was called the most rapidly growing search engine worldwide. On the Russian market its main competitor is Google. From its very launch Google’s Russian version enabled users to browse information both in Runet and foreign websites.

The search database of Yandex totals 10 billion pages. Foreign index includes 4 billion pages, 80% of them are in English. Resources which may provide answers to the most popular inquiries are indexed beforehand. Inquiries in Roman alphabet make 12-15% of daily inquiries (100 million) on Yandex.