Libraries of Russia: All-Russian Library Congress kicks off in Tomsk

17 May 2010

The All-Russian Library Congress: 15th Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association (RLA) kicked off in Tomsk – “Library Capital of Russia 2010” on May 17 and will be open until May 21.

Following the tradition the All-Russian Library Congress: Annual Conference of RLA is timed to the All-Russia Library Day. In 2010 participants of the Congress will celebrate 180 anniversary of A. S. Pushkin Tomsk Regional Scientific Library and 15th anniversary of foundation of RLA.

Events of the Congress and RLA conference in Tomsk will attract more than 750 librarians, authorities, publishing companies, book distributors and other organizations from 59 regions of Russia, as well as foreign guests (Germany, Switzerland, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, and the Czech Republic). They will represent 202 organizations – members of the Russian Library Association, and 94 other organizations.

“Library and knowledge: challenges of modern society” is the motto of the Congress. Its multifaceted program, which includes plenary sessions, sections, round tables, committees, is called to involve the participants into a discussion of arising problems urgent for libraries.