Society and Internet: 43 million Russians surf Internet
More than forty-three million Russians surf Internet. The figure was announced by the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia, Andrei Romanchenko, during the board session of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.
He reported that 12 mil. users have their own blogs, however just 10% of them are active, being updated monthly. The most popular activity among users of Runet (77% of the whole) is reading news.
As concerns domain names in .RU zone, in the spring 2010 they total 2,6 mil. In the beginning of 2009 this number amounted to 1,8 mil. Mr Romanchenko remarked that "it took 13 years to collect the first million domain names in the .RU zone, whereas the second million was managed by the national domain in just a year and a half".