Regions of Russia: “Pages of history of the Republic of Tatarstan statehood”available in Kazan

28 June 2010

On June 29 the exhibition hall of the Museum of History of Tatar people Statehood and the Museum-Reserve “The Kazan Kremlin” will hold an inauguration of the exhibition entitled “Pages of history of the Republic of Tatarstan statehood”.

The exhibition will be held within the framework of celebrations marking the 90th TASSR foundation anniversary (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) and is timed to the jubilee date – June 25 1920 – the day when the power was transferred to the Temporary Revolutionary Committee.

The exhibition has brought together documents from the holdings of the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan, the National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan, the N. I. Lobachevsky Kazan State University Scientific Library, the State Historic-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve “The Kazan Kremlin” and private collections.

The exhibition turns spotlight on the foundation of the TASSR in 1920 and displays a number of documents and photographs, periodicals and books, which turn the light on the first steps of the statehood foundation. The following periods of the history of Tatarstan are represented by separate milestones and reflect the historical development of different attributes of statehood, such as the Constitution (1926, 1937, 1978), coat of arms, flag etc. The exposition also demonstrates state awards of the USSR, given to the Republic in 1934, 1970 and 1972 for accomplishments in economics and statehood building, which were donated to the Museum-Reserve “The Kazan Kremlin”. The exhibition is brought to an end with the foundation of the modern Republic of Tatarstan.