For the 65th anniversary of Great Victory: The instructions book by the Victory generation to their descendants out in Tuva
In Tuva is issued the collective articles of memories by the Great Patriotic War veterans including their wishes to youth. Its name is ‘Edification to descendants. 1945-2010’. The book telling about bright and didactic destinies of war soldiers and those who brought the Victory day closer by their work at the home front, was published on the initiative of the Republic Head Sholban Kara-ool. ‘Evidences from those who saw the horrors of the most frightening war in human history, whose souls still hurt from its wounds, their exploit, all of this is a great edification to the future generations so that they know how to value and protect peace, friendship, motherland, - he said.
72 war veterans and home front toilers present their memories and biographies on 200 pages of the book. These short novels describe the cost of war and victory for each of the heroes; they are simple and truthful stories of people whose youth had passed first in trenches, then in restoration of the devastated country. The issue’s authors note that they tried to preserve as much as possible the features of the speech of their heroes ‘which still reflects the agony of war time and uneasy climate of the time’.
To the selection of the material for the edition have contributed the employees of the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Youth government of the Republic, Kyzyl city hall as well as local activists from the ‘Single Russia’ party. The Head of the Republic was presented with the first 10 published copies of ‘Edification to descendants. 1945-2010’ which Sholban Kara-ool will hand to the veterans. The book’s circulation is planned to be of 1500 copies. A part of them will be offered to veterans, the rest will go the collections of school libraries.