Society and book culture: Russian-American book fair in New York

23 June 2010

The annual Russian-American book faire which took place June 20 in New York as a part of the traditional festival ‘Our heritage’ attracted the unprecedented flow of public. The event was organized with the support of ‘Russian world’ Fund.

In Brooklyn library - one of the best in the city – were held public lectures by poets, writers and bards as well as the presentation of a new poems edition by Andrew Dementiev ‘The next year in Jerusalem’ dedicated to the Holy Land. The author took part in the round table during which the participants from two nations discussed urgent problems of the Russian-American relations and the situation in the Middle East.

The discussion held the year of the 65th anniversary of Great Victory and on the threshold of the RF President D. Medvedev visit to USA, was of polemic character from time to time which increased the interest of public for it. The ‘Arguments and fact’ publishing house editor in chief N. Zyat’kov, the ‘Yasnaya Polyana’ culture preserve director V. Tolstoy, television anchorman and journalist M. Shevchenko, Institute of Democracy and Cooperation New York branch director, political scientist A. Migranyan have answered the questions of the public.

The guests of the fair were presented with lyric songs program by Moscow folk group ‘Father’s daughters’, as well as the performance of Tomsk musical ethnographic group ‘Somana KuKuN’ with the unique program ‘Cabaret of the Silver Age’.