Russian language abroad: Uzbekistan philologists studying the humanism of the Russian literature

18 June 2010

On June 17 in the minor hall of the M. Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan started working the inter-institutional round table ‘Humanistic aspects of teaching the Russian language and literature. The Russian language in the modern media environment’ dedicated to the year of harmonically educated generation. The event is held with joint the efforts of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education of the Republic and the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo (‘Russian cooperation)’ in Tashkent.

The round table gathered the professors of Higher Education Institutions and Academic Lyceums, aspirants, undergraduates of Uzbekistan State University of the World Languages, of the Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University, the Tashkent State Law Institute, the Tashkent Medical Academy and Samarkand State University. The participants will give lectures on studying language as a mean of humanization, humanism categories in classical and modern literature as well as traditions and modern times of enlightenment and education. As a result of the work of the round table, a collection of lectures is planned to be issued.