Internet resources: Thousands of websites suffered from hackers attack

15 June 2010
Source: Compulenta

ScanSafe company experts have registered a massive hackers’ attack which affected thousands of websites. A preliminary investigation proved that malefactors implant their own HTML code to the web-pages which redirects users to harmful resources.

The goal of the latter is to load and install undesirable software. If the installation succeeds, cyber criminals gain the possibility of a remote managing of the victim’s computer.

The attack, which started 2-3 days ago, had affected no less than 7 000 websites. According to other sources there could be up to 114 000 of websites harmed. Among the victims of the attack are Wall Street Journal, Jerusalem Post,, and other.

It seems that malefactors used the method of implementation of SQL code (SQL injection) in order to crack the web pages. The experts note, that to all the harmed servers was applied a software of Microsoft Internet Information Services.